What’s in a name?
How did King Ash Bay Fishing Club get it’s name? There are no King Ash trees here. And it is certainly not a bay. It is simply located on a bend in the McArthur River downstream from Borroloola.
Like anything around here, and probably most small communities, you will get a completely different answer depending on who you speak to about something. The most plausable answer about “how did King Ash Bay Fishing Club get its name?” is an error made by someone who was reading a hand written map.

Some say the actual name of King Ash Bay was previously King Fish Bay. On the hand written map, the capital “F” on fish next to the “I” were very close together, making the “FI” look like a capital “A”.
This story like a lot of things around here is not proven, but the name would be more appropriate for the area. The only problem with it is, there aren’t any Kingfish here!