Wet Season Drive To Borroloola
Driving from King Ash Bay Fishing Club to Borroloola during the Wet Season.
The local town near King Ash Bay is called Borroloola. Population maybe 2,000 in the region. Borroloola is where we drive to to pick up our stock for the kitchen from the transport company. The road to Borroloola consists of a 21km dirt road to get back to the bitumen, followed by another 20km into town.
During summer, if mother nature decides she wants to rain she doesnt much around. When it rains during the wet season, it rains bloody hard. And not for an hour, for a week non-stop! Our wet season at King Ash Bay was late this year. It came in late March and Early April.
But life still goes on here, and people have to eat. So regardless of the condition of the 21km dirt road, we need to get out to Borroloola to get our stock. Our little Suzuki Grand Vitara “Ellen” was left at King Ash Bay for this trip. Instead we took my old mans Landcruiser.
For almost the entire 21km the water was at the bonnet of the cruiser. Because you cant see the road below the water, there were a couple of surprise holes and rutts that were a bit deeper. With front and rear diff lockers the vehicle handled the trip without a problem. Although what is usually a 40 minute trip (each way) into town took almost all day.
I actually maintain the Facebook page for King Ash Bay Fishing Club. I post road condition updates every Friday. During the dry season (Winter) there is almost zero chance of rain. So the road is dry and passable by almost any vehicle.