Cracker Night
Some things here in the Northern Territory are hard to believe. For example, you can drink and drive a boat. You can legally purchase a crossbow without a license. And for one day a year, FIREWORKS are legal. It is to celebrate Northern Territory Day.

Growing up I never had the chance to play with fireworks. But I made up for it this year. I bought a big box of fireworks (as did a whole heap of other people) and had a great time with them. According to the King Ash Bay Fishing Club laws, people are not allowed to set off fireworks on the lease. So a group of us went for a drive, setup a nice big bonfire and lit up all our fireworks.

It’s a shame that cracker night won’t last forever. Every year there are cracker related injuries on cracker night. And the fire department have their busiest night of the year, attending to dozens of cracker related fires. At least I got to enjoy it this year.