Tatts Hotel – Winton, Queensland
In our travels we love visiting country pubs. Even though we have dogs, we can usually find a pub that is relaxed enough to find us an area we can sit and have a beer. It’s usually in a smoking area, where people don’t eat food. We don’t smoke, but we don’t mind. We consider ourselves lucky.
We had been driving all day from Camooweal when we arrived at Winton. In Camooweal, we had stayed in a camp ground behind the Post Office Hotel. It was our first keg beer in over 9 months!
Driving down the Main Street of Winton we saw there were several pubs. The Tatts hotel was the perfect destination for us because they have a camping area across the road.
The camping area has maybe 30 powered camping spaces and a nice, clean amenities block. The perfect kind of place for an overnight stay.
After setting up the camper, we put the leads on the dogs and walked across the road to the Tatts. Jazz went in to grab the first round. Seconds later she appears with 2 dark beers. My eyes light up. “What’s this? Is that Guinness?”
Guinness on tap!!! I almost cried with happiness. I love beer so much. Real beer. Guinness is one of my absolute favourites to have on tap. The only one I can think of that I like better on tap is Kilkenny.
I went inside to grab the next round. I saw something glistening with a halo floating over it, right next to the Guinness tap. I walked closer for a better look. KILKENNY!! We are in the middle of outback Central Queensland and we have stumbled across a pub that has Kilkenny on tap!!
Needless to say, we stayed for several pints.
As dusk fell, we witnessed several kangaroos bounce across the Main Street of Winton to go eat the green grass at the bowls club.
When it got dark, we dropped the dogs back in the camper and returned to the Tatts Hotel for dinner. Jazz had her standard chicken parma and I had a sensational rib on the bone. While eating, a road crew came along to do some work on the intersection the pub is on. It provided some entertainment, with other pub patrons yelling encouragement at the workers. “Come on, put your back into it!” Etc. It was good fun.
We finished the night with a small pub crawl. We had a beer at each pub in town. Winton is a nice town. We didn’t do any of the tourist stuff because we were just traveling through.
I would definitely recommend Winton as a stopping point on your road trip around Australia.